Chapter 8


Maybe it was at the time of Abraham that under the influence of the Chaldean language the O turned into an H, or at the sojourn in Egypt. IOUO, however, seems to have corresponded with this change of language and to have taken into account the Hebrew of the time of Moses, when he proclaimed his name at the thornbush. That means he sanctified the "Yahuh", though his name actually was IOUO. We can prove that he did sanctify the "Yahuh", because Revelation contains the Halleluiah as an inspired part of the New Testament. Halleluiah proves that the "Jah" or "Yah" is approved by IOUO, that it is sanctified (Revelation 19:1,3,4,6).

Who is responsible for the change or altering of the Adamic language? At the confusing of the language in Babel IOUO didn't change the Hebrew or Adamic language, the only then existing language before the confusing. Thus IOUO wasn't interested in a changing of the Hebrew language. Responsible for the changing of the Adamic language into Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic and into the language of the Massorets until the development of today's Ivrith is alone the devil or Satan. Satan attacks all holy things of God. He attacks the name of God, he attacks true religion, he attacks God's people and he attacked the god-given Adamic language.

In his endeavor to destroy the name of God he attacked not only the four vowels of this name, but even all vowels of the Adamic language (like Herod's way to attack the child Jesus: he attacked even all babies and children under two years of age - compare Matthew 2:16-18). Thus Satan created the later Hebrew language which only was written with consonants. But IOUO preserved the Adamic text of the start of the Bible (Genesis) by preserving at least the characters. It seems that the square-characters of the Hebrew of later times were the will of God, because by square-characters the text of the Bible could more easily be preserved. A square is also emphasizing holiness. The Adamic-Hebrew is especially holy compared with other languages. The holiness of a square is proven by God's temple and tabernacle: Courtyard = two squares; tabernacle or temple = three cubes each; altars = square layout; table = two squares; ark of covenant = square side. Compare the holy cities New Jerusalem and IOUO-shammah.

In Hebrew the stress of a word is normally at the end of the word, at the last syllable (as in French). Thus we can assume that also the Adamic language had the stress at the end of a word. That means IOUO has the stress on the last O (IOUO). Likewise Yahuh, Yahoh, Yahweh should have the stress on the last syllable.

Let's repeat the thought that the Adamic alphabet actually was a "reasonable" gift of God to mankind. Why then can we observe many other unreasonable things in the Hebrew alphabet? Were they also a result of Satan's attacks?

Let's have a survey of the whole Hebrew alphabet:

    A = Aleph: It was an A (as son) [a:] not a cracking sound

    B = Behth: It was a simple B (as bone) [b] not a double consonant and not a W-sound

      How illogical that IOUO should have given two different sounds to one character or a double-sound.                                                                                       IOUO is a god not of disorder but of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33); reasonable is the principle: One character = one sound.

    G = Gimel: It was a simple G (as God) [g]

    D = Daleth: It was a D (as duck) [d]

    O = He': It was an O (as dawn) [@:]

    U = Waw: It was a U (as moon) [u:]

    Z = Zayin: It was a voiced Z (as zoo) [z]

    H = Chehth: It was like the Greek H (as in Hristóß ) [x]

    F =Tehth: It seems that this character corresponds with the Greek Teta (F). Thus it was a TH (as th irst) [f]. Why should exist in a godgiven alphabet two T-sounds ( F and T)?

    I = Yohdh: It was an I (as Ingrid) [i:]

    K = Kaph: It was a K (as kind) [k]. There was no need of a second final k.

    L = Lamed: It was a L (as land) [l]

    M = Mem: It was a M (as men) [m]. We have no need of a final m.

    N = Nun: It was a N (as night) [n]. There was no need of a second final n.

    S = Samekh: It was a S (as sin) [s], it was voiceless, not as Zayin.

    E = Ayin: It was an E (as bed) [e:]. The Hebrew Ayin is today a very strange consonant. That indicates that it  formerly had a more meaningful task. It was a long E.

    P = Pe: It was a P (as Paul) [p], not a F-sound. There was no F-sound in the Adamic language. We need no  final p.

    C = Tsadheh: It was a TS (as let's) [ts]. We need no final c.

    Q= Qohph: It was a QU (as equ ivalent) [kw]. Why should we need a second K?

    R = Rehsh: It was a R (as royal) [r]

    J = Shin: It was a SH (as shy) [§]. There was no Sin. Why should there be a second S (S and s)?

    T = Taw: It was a T (as tower) [t]

With this alphabet and with the inserting of short E-sounds (Shwa-e, E = bed) we can read the text of Genesis very fluently. We need no vowel points. It is likely, however, that IOUO wanted to make possible certain dialects of the Adamic language, because he is a God of variations. The creation shows this attribute of IOUO very clearly. Such a dialect was possible because God allowed everyone to choose for oneself what short vowels he wants to insert between the consonants. An example is mIMJ = heavens, you could read SHMIM [§mi:m] without short vowel or SHeMIM [§emi:m]  with a short vowel between SH and M These Shwa-like vowels could sound like E as in bed. Or they sounded like A or U or O or even Ä or Ü or Ö (German vowels). It was a mercy of IOUO that he didn't prescribe every detail of the pronunciation of the Adamic language with characters. Short vowels only should be inserted by speech not by writing them down by vowel points or the like. Thus the forming of dialects was possible without the change of the original language (29). The God-given Adamic language was constructed that way that at any time a reconstruction of the language and its pronunciation was possible. By the vowel points of the Massorets this reconstruction even was impeded.


Now I want to add some remarks concerning the vowels:

When we look through a Hebrew dictionary then we certainly find many examples of the primary vowels A = A, E = E,   I = I, O = O, U = U and their counterparts as in Eden (= NDE) pointing to E = E or in Adam (= mDA) pointing to A = A or in Abraham (= mORBA) pointing likewise to A = A . Or we find O and O together as in Elohim etc. (compare list below). The Latin "aura" is interesting, too. "Aura" means daylight and looks like the Adamic AUR (= RUA) meaning light or daylight. Let's compare the Arabic "Allah" with the ALOIM (= mIOLA = Elohim) pointing to the connection A = A . Allah and ALOIM are both meaning "God".

Especially important words obviously have anyhow preserved their vowel-characters or the vowel was slightly changed as in Abel (= OBL = LBO). This example is showing again that the vowel O once was changed from O to A and then to an H. A list of some important words is following:

    ALOIM = Elohim = mIOLA

    RUX = ru h (Turkish) = HwR meaning spirit

    SalmÓ n = Salmon = OMLJ

    SalomÔ na = Salomon = OMULJ

    Eden = NDE

    Eli = ILE

    Élwí = IOLA (see Mark 15:34, the cry of Jesus)

    Kohelet = Tleq = Ecclesiastes

    other examples are Esau, Eber, Enakim

    there are hundreds of similar examples

Even the word "Alphabet" shows that after the Alpha the Beta comes. This is so in most of the languages of the western world. First A then B. Aleph and Alpha most certainly are related to each other. The Aleph was an A at first.

There is also a proof in the Bible that the J originally was a SH-sound not an S-sound. Judges 12:6 compares Shiboleth (= TLBJ) with Siboleth (= TLBS).

Now a list of investigated characters in the book: A Concise Lexicon to the Biblical Languages by Green and Robinson, 1987:

How often is seen Aleph together with 7 1 9 4 (among 8694 numbers of Strong of Old Testament Hebrew and Aramaic words)? 1077 times

How often is seen Aleph together with 7 1 9 4 as starting character of a word (among 894 words with starting Aleph according to Strong)? 556 times

How often is seen Ayin together with 6 3 2 5 ? 398 times

How often is seen Ayin together with 7 3 2 5 as starting character of a word (among 640 words with starting Ayin according to Strong)? 116 times

How often is seen He' together with 7 9 8 v ? 1962 times

How often is seen He' together with 7 9 at the end of a word (among 1899 words with He' at the end)? 1674 times

How often is He' with 8 v at the end? 29 times

How often is seen w in a word? 961 times. How often is v ? 1032 times. (among 2207 words with Waw. Thus Waw only appears as a consonant 214 times, much less than as a vowel. This, too, points to the fact that Waw originally was a vowel.



(29) Also the inserting of short Shwa-sounds next to a long vowel might have been possible: e.g. mIMJ + SHaMaIM


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