= IOUO means when translated: "He causes to become". As the book "Let Your Name be Sanctified" (by the Watchtower Society) brings out regarding Exodus 3:14 some scholars suggest (30) that the word "Eyeh" or OIOA (= I prove to be, I am) in reality has been changed. The I actually should be a U
(=Waw). In the course of time someone might have been responsible for that slight change. But the difference is tremendous! OUOA is much more fitting to the context of Exodus 3:14, because OUOA
is mentioned in connection with God's name IOUO (Exodus 3:15). OUOA
even is the first answer to the question: "What is his name?" (Exodus 3:13). And this makes sense. A
+ OUO = OUOA is the me-form of OUOI containing the same stem OUO plus an A
meaning I. So OUOA truly is the name of God, only in its first person form: OUOI = He causes to become, whereas OUOA [a: @: u: @:] = I cause to become. It obviously is a most holy form of God's name, God himself speaking about himself. Since Moses didn't receive just one name as answer to his question "What
is his name?" (Exodus 3:13) but the two answers "Eyeh" and "Yahuh", thus he in reality didn't get a real answer at all. He then had the choice between two names. But when we understand "Eyeh" as
OUOA, as the first person form of IOUO, then he got only one answer, one name. One name in two forms! That makes
sense. OUOA
is pronounced in Adamic: AOUO. This is sounding similar to a word that is the only word common in all languages: "Aua" (German), "Outch" (English), "Ohweh" (German) or any similar form.(31)
Should this word AOUO be an instinctive human cry to IOUO for help, an instinctive prayer in times of emergency and pain, since the "Aua" or "Outch" is only used by humans in every language when facing severe aches? This is another hint that IOUO is the right and original pronunciation of
OUOI.The conjugation of the verb OUO = OUO still leads to many other grammatical forms: For instance NOUO
means: we cause to become, and could have an application upon IOUO together with Jesus, his master worker. TOUOU means: you (plural) cause to become, and IOUOU means: they cause to become. But we only want to point to the second
person form of the present tense, masculine: OUOT = TOUO [t @
: u: @:] meaning: you cause to become. This
obviously is another valid form of God's name. TOUO could be used in prayer by someone who has a very intimate relationship to IOUO, addressing IOUO even with an intimate "you" (singular) in his name.
In line with the already mentioned thoughts it is interesting to see the symmetry of these three grammar forms: striking is the similarity with the symmetry of the special places in the courtyard:
compare: Dein Name werde geheiligt, 1963, (Let Your Name be Sanctified, 1961), Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of
Pennsylvania, chapter 6, p. 88,89 footnote to paragraph 15. Reference to the article Immanuel Lewy, "Die Anfänge der
Anbetung Jahwes - widersprechende biblische Ansichten", published in October 1956 in Vetus Testamentum, New York, p. 433: "Das hebräische Wort Jahwe ist das Hif'îl von OUO [hajah], was 'er läßt werden' bedeutet. Das ist eine Abkürzung von [Jahve debarim]
'Er läßt Dinge werden oder geschehen'. Er ist Schöpfer aller Dinge, die existieren. Der Autor erklärt dies nun [in 2. Mose 3:14] nicht in der dritten Person, sondern in der ersten Person, indem er Gott reden läßt. Dies läßt darauf
schließen, daß der ursprüngliche Text lautete: [Ahveh ascher ahveh]. Das bedeutet: 'Ich werde Dinge werden lassen, die ich
will.' ... Als die Juden unter der persischen Herrschaft anfingen, Elohim oder Adonaj statt des heiligen Namens Jahwe zu lesen, ersetzten die Schriftgelehrten das Vav [ U
] durch ein Iota [ I ], damit das Volk nicht die vokalisierte Aussprache Jahwes hören sollte. Auf diese Weise wurde OUOA [Ahveh] durch OIOA
[Ehjeh] ersetzt." (31) compare: Charles Berlitz, Die wunderbare Welt der Sprachen, 1982, German edition of "Native Tongues", Droemersche Verlagsanstalt Th. Knaur Nachf., München, p. 19,20. |