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likely received the name of God as "Yahuh" at the thornbush. The question remains: Did the patriarchs pronounce God's name as "Yahuh", too? And another question is: Was the Hebrew language preserved in its
original form after the confusion of the languages or did the influence of the new languages bring a slight change also in the Hebrew, which was the only language not changed or confused when OUOI interfered in Babel. Interestingly Exodus 6:2,3 read: "And God went on to speak to Moses and to say to him:
"I am Yahuh. And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Shaddai (= the powerful one), but as respects my name Yahuh I did not make myself known to them."" What does that sentence mean? Abraham knew the
name of God
Abraham was a Mesopotamian according to Acts chapter seven and Jacob was called a Syrian in Deuteronomy (Acts 7:2; Deuteronomy 26:5). In Ur Chaldean was spoken and in Haran Syrian was spoken. Was the influence of these two
languages strong enough to change at least the Hebrew pronunciation? Or was it the influence of the Egyptian language while the Israelites were in Egypt that lead to a change of the Hebrew?
It is interesting that according to a manual of the Hebrew the The basic vowels are A (as in ca
lm) [a:], E (as in bed) [e:], I (as in field) [i:], O (as in odd) [ The I is no problem. It was the Yohdh
The U was originally likely the Waw The A was obviously the Aleph
The O was obviously the He' The E then only can be the Ayin The "Abraham" and the "A
dam" in many languages start with an A as in "done". The "Eden" in many languages starts with an E like in "bed". When you read an old Hebrew text written without vowel
points in the above mentioned manner then you only have to introduce or to insert some short vowels, for instance a short E (Shwa-sound), between consonants, while the vowels The name of God thus becomes a word consisting only out of
vowels. In the name of God you need not insert any short Shwa-vowels. The four long vowels underline the holiness of this name. Vowels are more seldom than consonants. Thus vowels are holier. Vowels are a slight wind out of the
lips. In Hebrew wind means the same as spirit ( When you weaken the I (= Ee) [i:] to a Y [j] and the U (= Oo) [u:] to a W [w] then you feel the resemblance of YOWO [j @: w @:] to the English word "Jove". When you speak fast
then automatically the I becomes a Y and the U becomes a W. Many say "By Jove" and mean the Roman and pagan god Jupiter. Here lies the proof for our foregoing theory ! Jupiter was the most high
Roman god. It was a Ju-pater. The word-part "piter" is a slightly changed "pater" meaning "father". Jupiter was the Ju-father, the father-god. From where did the Romans take the idea that the highest
god is a father, a father both of gods and humans and half-gods? This thought is absolutely biblical. This thought likely goes back to Noah and was mixed with pagan ideas after the idolatry of Babylon or Babel was brought to
all parts of the world, after the confusion of the language in Babel and the scattering of the people of Babel (Genesis 10:32;11:8). Jupiter is no one else than " IOVIS (Genitive) IOVI (Dative) IOVEM (Accusative) IOVE (Ablative) compare "sub Iove" = in the open air
This is sufficient proof that the original Nominative was not "Ju" but "IOVO"
Qu. e. d. (Quod erat demonstrandum) Did We easily could weaken the I of IOUO to a Y and the U of
IOUO to a W, leading to the pronunciation "YOWO". But we should avoid that. We shouldn't turn the vowels into consonants, because thus we destroy the holiness of the original pronunciation of this most high name. The
frequent use of prepositions together with the name of God points to a clear I (= Ee [i:]) not a Y in IOUO: For instance LIOUO = to IOUO or MIOUO = from IOUO or BIOUO = at IOUO.
Now let us turn to some additional arguments for this proven vowel-theory. The He' =
IOUO had preserved his name by the pagan Romans. "Quod licet Iovi non licet bovi" a well known Latin saying means: "That which is allowed to Jupiter
is not allowed to cattle." His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. "Jupiter" is still a very well known word today. There is the planet Jupiter, there are the history-lessons
in school worldwide, there is the study of the Latin language in many schools and universities and there is the known expression "by Jove" in the English language, or the word "jovial" in German.
When Jesus was executed IOUO was the God of the main executioners namely of the Jews. Jupiter, however, was the highest god of the co-executioners namely of the Romans. In reality (without realizing it) Jews and Romans worshipped
the same God IOUO. IOUO was the God of Jews and Romans. They all were guilty alike. In agreement with that, Jesus died for Jews and for Romans who then represented the whole world. IOUO is God of the whole world and Jesus died for
the whole world (Daniel 8:11, 25; 11:22). At the time of the Maccabees IOUO allowed the desecration of his temple in Jerusalem, when Greeks sacrificed pigs on the altar of that temple. They sacrificed these pigs to Zeus. Zeus is
the same as Jupiter. In reality (without realizing it) the Greeks representing at that time the whole world worshipped IOUO in his temple! Maybe this was the reason for IOUO to allow that desecration. IOUO demonstrated that He is
the God of all humans and that the temple belongs to all
humans. It is interesting in this respect that the name "Zeus" appears in the New Testament, too (Acts 14:12,13; 28:11). It seems that this has to do with the fact that The change of the original O (= An Also the Quamets
(22) Prof. R.K. Harrison: Teach Yourself Hebrew, 1957, p. 20. (23) Compare the Quamets, an A sounding to an O or an open O [@:]. (24) The form IOUO points to purity, too, because it is no mixture between vowels and consonants. (25) IOVIS, IOVI, IOVEM, IOVE is a consonantic declension with the nominative normally Iuppiter, with an added p because of an assimilation. Compare: Dr. Leo Stock: Langenscheidts Lern- und Übungsgrammatik Latein, Langenscheidt, Berlin, 14th Edition 1999, p. 19. (26) It is no absolutely new idea to link "OUOI" with "Jupiter". See Brockhaus 1838, heading "Jehova". But the reading IOUO seems to be new. (27) Compare Appendix B - A Comparison of Alphabets (28) Compare: New World Bible Translation Committee, The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures, 1969,
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (also 1985 edition), front-cover inside: The Greek Alphabet, footnote 2. |